Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Well, hello again! today, we will learn another fun topic which is HEALTHY FOODS!

So students, what are HEALTHY FOODS

HEALTHY FOODS are foods that when we eat those foods, our body becomes healthy and strong. 

Who wants their body to be strong? put up your hands please!

Sure everyone wants their body to be healthy and strong right?

These are the list of Healthy Foods.

1) Fruits

2) Vegetables

3) Cereals

4) Milk

4) Meat

5) Fish

There are lots of foods right? Those foods need to be eaten in the proper ways. We have to follow Food Pyramid when we want to eat those foods. By following Food Pyramid, we can eat those foods in the healthy style! 

This is how the Food Pyramid looks like :

So students, I guess you already understand on how to eat Healthy Foods, right? 

I hope that you guys can practice on how to eat well and live well~

That's all for today, I will come out with new post next week! 

See you later!

Saturday, January 7, 2012


What is Nocturnal animals?

Nocturnal means "at night". This is when the nocturnal animal comes out to eat, hunt and play. When you're getting to bed, nocturnal animal are getting up.

How can they see in the dark? 

Nocturnal animal often use their ears more than their eyes. We think woods are quiet at night, but nocturnal animals listen to small sounds. 

Where can we see them?

Nocturnal animals live in many different parts of the world. They usually prefer woods and other quiet places. You can see nocturnal animals in many zoos. Their rooms are quiet and dark during the day. At night they turn the lights on to let them sleep!

Some examples for nocturnal animals are;

Here I give you some exercises.

State all the statements whether they are TRUE or FALSE.

a) Nocturnal animals go to bed at night.
b) They can see well in the dark.
c) Nocturnal animals usually have good hearing.
d) There are no nocturnal animals in the zoo.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Today, we will learn about ADJECTIVES!

Do you know what adjectives is?
Well, adjectives is a describing word. It helps describing PEOPLE, PLACES and THINGS.
Or in other word, it describes NOUN. 
In most sentences, it goes before the word it describes, the NOUN or VERB.

Some examples for Adjectives are,


We can use them in such a manner,

He is wearing a shiny red track suit.
SUNNY and RED are Adjectives that modified the noun track suit. 

Lets look at another example.

It's a bright sunny day.

Can you name the adjectives in this sentence?

You're right!
 bright and sunny are the adjectives.

Do you see how adjectives help add interesting details to your description?

Adjectives also help answering questions like WHAT KIND, WHICH ONE, HOW MANY and HOW MUCH.

Lets take an example,

Today is a warm day with hundreds of birds chirping in the clear blue sky.

warm and clear blue sky describe WHAT KIND.

hundreds describes HOW MANY of birds.


lets continue our lesson with an exercise in the link that I provided below.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Yes my dear friends/students! English is something fun to be learned. There are lots of ways to learn English. For example, we can learn English even by listening to music. We listen to music almost every time. Besides that, most of us love to watch movies especially English movies. By watching movie, you will be able to listen to the actors or actresses dialogue and the way they pronounce words correctly. In addition, by watching movies and listening to music also can help us improving our English by enriching our lexical items or known as vocabularies.

Basically, this blog is made for students from standard 4. Somehow, for those who are not standard 4 and want to improve their English and if only my blog is helping you to do so, you're welcome to join us and keep visiting this education blog. Lastly, I would like to apologize if there is any mistake that I have done in this blog, and I do really hope you can give me feedback by leaving some comments.